A beautiful place in the United Kingdom, known for its medicinal qualities of the water in the 18th century. Later this town expanded rapidly into a Spa town. And it is named after the river 'Leam'. Thus the name Leamington Spa. I was very excited to visit a new country altogether. Being a history student, I was very curious as to How a country that ruled India for almost 200 years looked like. It was indeed a fascinating place. You would go and admire each building in the locality with the same curiosity, though all the buildings looked alike.
In the center of the town is the 'Town Hall' to its opposite is 'Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum', and to its left is 'St Mary's Church'. All three buildings are one of the oldest in the town. A statue of Queen Victoria magnificently carved is seen in front of the 'Town Hall'. The most fascinating thing about this statue is that it was almost destroyed by the German during the second world war. The statue has moved an inch and is not retained. This can be seen in the plaque.
Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum was called the 'Royal Pump Room and Spa'. This earlier attracted many visitors to curing their illness. It is said that physiotherapy treatment was administered. Presently this pump room is converted into 'Art Gallery and Library'. Opposite to the 'Royal Pump Room' is the Jephson Gardens one of the parks on the bank of river Leam. River Leam flows throughout the town.
One of the mesmerizing facts of this clean city is its ' Recycling Centre' by the Warwickshire District Council. Citizens of the town here take responsibility and discard their unwanted materials at the centre. I was so thrilled to see how people actually follow orders and discard the items into their respective landfills. This type of method can also be tried in our country for which the local authorities and the government has to plan and bring in new amendments. I believe if strict rules and regulations are passed everything will fall in its right place.
On the same premises as the 'Recycling Centre', there is a 'charity shop'. People can donate items that are used. These items will be re-sold and the money that is got will be used for the welfare of the aged people. Antique and Unique items can be found in this shop for a reasonable price.
Opposite to the 'Recycling Centre' is Victoria Park. There is a huge children's play area with skate, tennis court, and a Bowling club. England hosts its Annual Championships of Men's and Women's bowling in Leamington spa. This is one of the best features of Leamington Spa.
From Leamington Spa, one hour journey to Coventry in a double-decker was a fantastic journey. But a little frightening, if you all have watched ' Harry Potter' you'll actually know what I'm really trying to tell. Every turning is both fascinating as well as a spine-chilling experience. This bus goes into one of the well known Universities-'Warwick University'. I was just amazed and star-stuck.
Coventry is like a commercial hub. 'IKEA' a Sweden company and also the world's largest furniture retailers is a must-visit place for all Indians. Because we will be shocked to see the arrangements of homes as well as place utilization. I never believed that a small place can look so attractive, but I so after looking at the arrangements in 'IKEA' store. It is a six-storey building with all kinds of home furniture as well as decoratives.
As Helen Keller has rightly said -'The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart'.